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Health Forum

Asked for Male, 31 years

I tried speed walking a few days ago. After that my muscle/tissue above heel started to hurt. I thought it was just because of the activity and will go away eventually. I have flat feet and have to climb three stories of stairs to reach my office. It is still tender/painful after 4 days after the incident. What should I do?

Asked for Female, 11 years

My daughter is having cold sores on one side of her lips. She has a habit of sucking thumb. Now it got infected too. I was hoping if you could tell me of a quicker treatment than just taking medications??

Asked for Female, 43 years

I am a female 37-year-old. Two days ago I got a sudden feeling of heat, then pain in my chest and finally fast heartbeats. It is back again. Any advice?

Asked for Male, 40 years

I climb stairs which have sharp turns on every floor and my office is on the top floor so I have to make these turns to reach office. A few days back I heard a pop sound while making the turn. From then I have little pain deep in the knee and it's a little swollen. What should I do and is it permanent or temporary?

Asked for Female, 34 years

I get strangely dizzy sometimes and feel tired. I also have a headache on the right side of my head above my ear. A headache is usually accompanied after I had been driving. This is almost every day as I have to drive to my office which is about 45 min one side journey. Any advice on getting me better??

Asked for Female, 28 years

After eating from a restaurant a day before I had vomiting and diarrhea There is a pain in my stomach and whole body aches. I did take a dose of Flagyl but nothing improved. Anything to help…

Asked for Male, 42 years

I am having an issue related to my eyes. When I move my eyes from one side to another I see white light. This happens on some mornings also. I see veins like structures usually when I see at some plain surface like a white wall. What is this can you give any idea and also treatment accordingly.

Asked for Female, 34 years

I had face acne problems now and then usually when the season changed. Now I am in my first trimester and I have an abrupt and severe case of acne What should I do?

Asked for Female, 74 years

Asking for my mother 68 years old. She had THR. Now she is having pain in her heel and wakes up in the nights due to it. Massaging her foot give comfort but only temporarily. Any advice to help her. Thank you in advance.

Asked for Female, 38 years

I visited the hillside area and enjoyed snowfall. After my return, I am having dry scaly patches on my face & hand. The skin is reddish and sensitive. It also gets itchy, especially at nights. Can you recommend any cream? Also, would oral medication be required or not?

Asked for Female, 31 years

Please tell me the pregnancy strip test show positive result or neg?

Asked for Female, 48 years

I am due for a CT scan. Regarding my medical history, I had kidney failure. I am pretty much recovered but with this test coming up I am a bit worried. Any suggestions what should I do as I heard its contradiction to my kidney condition?

Asked for Male, 7 years

I was blessed with a baby boy 6 days ago. It was a normal delivery and hospital discharged them three days later. Now I noticed his eyes and skin being a bit yellowish. The baby has a little high temperature and does not feed well. Will he be ok given medication or should I do some test like CBC? Please specify the test if it is to be done.

Asked for Female, 31 years

I was having pain in my lower back for some time. Eventually, it increased to the point where it was difficult for me to sleep and walk without it. After a visit to the doc he said I was suffering from Osteomalacia and prescribed Vitamin D. Now I am better but I want to ask whether I would be able to heal fully or have to take vitamin D supplements life long?

Asked for Male, 35 years

I am male 29 years old. Recently I get a burning sensation in my mouth. My mouth gets dry and I lose my taste. This keeps on recurrent without any obvious cause. Any suggestions?

Asked for Female, 38 years

I was having a knee problem. My doc injected my knee with steroids and pain killer. Later that night I had severe headaches, so severe that I could not sleep at all. Is this just a temporary side-effect of injection? Please guide.

Asked for Male, 71 years

My grandfather 65 years old had saggy left lower eyelids pointing outward. This eye remains red and irritable most of the time. How serious is this and where to seek treatment? Reply soon we are worried that he might lose his left eye.

Asked for Male, 42 years

I got tested for my abdominal pain, fatigue, and dark color stool. I was diagnosed with H-pylori. I want to know what diet should I take in this condition?

Asked for Female, 34 years

I do smoke but am not a chain smoker. My office is on the third floor so I have to climb a flight of stairs and felt breathless upon reaching office. Now I feel more out of breath and noticed my fingernails turning blue. What should I do?

Asked for Female, 41 years

Asking for wife 35 years old. She complains about having pain in her left upper abdomen then spreading to the shoulder. She feels tired all the time. What test should we take to know for sure what is causing this?

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